TTLC2018: 3 Exciting Keynotes, 2 Intensive Masterclasses, 1 Forum & up to 60 parallel sessions.

Sep 22, 2018
Sep 23, 2018
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Transforming Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life

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With the theme, “Transforming Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life”, the Taylor’s 11th Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 (TTLC2018) will examine key strategies for building learning institutions which are as future-capable as the graduates they develop. Education is evolving, and many institutions have set themselves a goal to prepare their learners for life.

Empowering learners for life requires a fundamental shift in designing curriculum for Higher Education focussed on broad-based education, holistic education and the development of Life Skills.  New priorities, pedagogies, technologies, spaces and assessment strategies are required to empower learners to take ownership of their learning. Creating resilient, adaptable and future-capable learners is no longer an option for Higher Education institutions as we embrace the Education 4.0 Trends.

Therefore, the future-capable institution may instead be defined by the quality and depth of the learning experience, with a clear aim to build learners with high-level capabilities needed to navigate a successful global future such as leadership, social responsibility, innovation and problem solving.

The TTLC2018’s innovative agenda is designed to “unlock” the typical conference format, and our aim is to create a space that prioritises engagement with keynotes, panelists and delegates. You can look forward to a relevant, pro-active and rewarding learning experience where peer-to-peer learning and collaboration are prevalent with experts from more than 12 countries and 30 institutions.

Our programme features sessions such as : 

  1.  Masterclass with keynote speakers
  2. Forums with representatives from different industry sectors
  3. Roundtable discussions with industry, graduates, students and academia
  4. Lightning Talks

Come join us at Taylor's 11th Teaching and Learning Conference today!
Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, No. 1 Jalan Taylor's 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia. Taylor's 11th Teaching and Learning Conference 2018


A TTLC Masterclass enables participants to engage with our keynote speakers in an interactive setting for a more tailored and intimate learning experience. Each masterclass is led by our award-winning and highly esteemed TTLC Keynote speakers who will share their experience and innovative approaches in addressing the theme. 


Jean-François Cousin

Author and Master Certified Coach

Director, International Coach Federation Global Board

Being future-capable in a VUCA world:
How most admired companies and their workforce succeed at it


In his highly interactive Master Class, which includes experiential activities, Jean-Francois Cousin will dive deeper into the theme and offer additional examples of good practices that may be particularly valuable for educators.

He will also share recent research about how adopting a coaching culture in an organization empowers learners to take ownership of their learning, and enhances engagement, creativity, accountability, agility and collaboration with all stakeholders.

He will invite a few students who have been coached along their university curriculum to share candidly about their experience in relation with their learning journey. And he will invite experience-sharing and questions from participants.

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Crystal Lim-Lange

Holistic Education Expert

Former Director of the National University of Singapore’s Centre for Future-ready Graduates

Founder, Forest Wolf & Strategic Advisor to Minerva Project

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Dr. Gregor Lim-Lange

Former Head of Learning & Development at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for Future-ready Graduates

Co-founder and Chief Psychologist of Forest Wolf

Future-ready Now: 
Connecting to the self, others and meaning


In a world full of distractions, we need to understand how to connect deeply to ourselves, others, and our values to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this highly experiential session, holistic education experts Crystal Lim-Lange & Dr. Gregor Lim-Lange will explain why learning skills aren’t enough for success and their holistic model for thriving in the VUCA world.

Participants will also learn practical methods of increasing their ability to connect to themselves (Self-awareness and Mindfulness), others (Empathic Communication) and build a vision for the future (Values, Visioning, Resilience).

The workshop will delve into how educators can integrate mindfulness and social emotional learning with their curriculum and with any subject. Participants will come away from this workshop with practical tools that they can start using immediately with their community and students, and have an understanding of how to better prepare themselves and their students to be confident to face the VUCA world.

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Professor David Carless

Author and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK

University of Hong Kong

Beyond teacher comments: 

Designing for student uptake of feedback

Feedback is only likely to make a difference if it is carefully designed and integrated within curriculum and assessment sequences. The intended outcomes of this workshop are for participants to appreciate the limitations of written teacher comments and consider user-friendly strategies to promote feedback dialogue with students. These include peer feedback, technology-enabled feedback and interactive coversheets. A key theme is the development of student feedback literacy, including emphasis on uptake of feedback. 


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